Research focus: International housing and urban renewalThe research area „International housing and urban renewal” does not represent a stand-alone thematic focus, but rather a cross-sectional issue in order to put local housing policy parameters into an international benchmark context and to learn from other cities’ experiences.Housing and Housing Policies in Large Cities (since 2001): Housing has always been a top priority on the municipal agenda of Vienna. This tradition has produced tangible results which have won international acclaim. Its excellent reputation provides an incentive to the municipality to check continuously whether it makes best use of the potentials available in Vienna. moreHIGH LIFE: The Residential High-Rise as Urban Habitat (2013): As part of the programme of the “Vienna Housing Festival”, a symposium took place in Vienna in March 2013, focussing on high-rise residential buildings, their contribution to urbanity, their usability, and various economic, ecological and social aspects. moreHousing and Social Cohesion Programme in Vienna in Comparison with other European Cities (2013): The objective of the project was to compare Vienna’s housing policy strategies and development programmes with those of up to fifteen European cities thus providing pointers and suggestions as to how the excellent position of Vienna in numerous rankings and studies can be maintained in a targeted manner – with simultaneous openness for forward-looking innovations. moreArchitekturtage 2012: A different way of living (2012): The Architekturtage took place in Austria and across borders for the sixth time this year. For two days, on June 1st and 2nd, and additionally throughout June 3rd, multitudes of people interested in architecture were out and about in places such as Vienna, and throughout all of Austria’s provinces. They enjoyed about 500 program events, and discovered new perspectives on living. moreIntelligent Compact Housing Solutions (2011): Quality housing is not primarily a question of square meters, but of broadly useable layouts that are suited to everyday use. The aim of the study is to demonstrate a broad spectrum of small-scale housing models. The research area covers Europe, Japan, China, the USA and Chile in the period from about 1920. The diverse examples are intended to be understood as a stimulus. moreTheophil Hansen’s Spaces for Living and Working (2011): The 120th anniversary of Theophil Hansen’s death and the upcoming 200th anniversary of his birth provide occasions for the Austrian Architects Association to illuminate the milieu in which this important architect practiced, his clients’ cultural aspirations, and his significance as one of the defining architects of Vienna’s Ring Street era. moreDistrict Work Elsewhere – Excursion to the City of Hamburg (2011): The team of the Local Urban Renewal Office for District 12 (GB*12) visited various urban renewal projects in Hamburg. This excursion report provides a short insight into the approaches to different issues of urban renewal and district work that despite similar aims are quite different. moreArchitecture Days - A delightful and popular anniversary special (2010): In 2010, the Architecture Days took place throughout Austria for the fifth time, this time under the motto "1:1". For the two days of May 28th and 29th, scores of architecture buffs were once again underway throughout the provinces, actively participating in over 1,000 program events. moreUNECE Conference 2009 - Towards an Action Plan for Energy Efficient Housing in the UNECE Region (2009): It is the buildings sector and, particularly, the residential sector that could generate some of the greatest energy savings. Energy saving in the field of housing, however, not only depend on suitable construction and refurbishment technologies, but also to a large extent on the effective cooperation of important players, strong financing instruments and further "soft" factors… moreHousing Worldwide (2007-2009): A symposium held at the Künstlerhaus Vienna in September 2007. Architecture critics from various countries and continents presented international examples from the field of housing that ventured experimentation in either an architectural or a social sense. moreUrbanité mon amour (2008-2009): Since 2005, the Urban Design Department at the Institute of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture of the Vienna University of Technology has taken part in an ERASMUS Intensive Programme of the European Union which addresses challenges of innovative developments in European urban regions. moreInventory and perspectives of service institutions in Barcelona in comparison with existing facilities in Vienna (2005): Barcelona, a city that already developed innovative solutions in several fields (e.g. barrier-free public space), was used as a reference model for examining services provided by municipal offices. moreHousing and Urban Regeneration Policy in France - a Journey (2007): Members of the Viennese City Council Committee for Housing are provided with annual excursions that should help them get to know problems as well as innovative developments in other European countries and obtain stimuli for Vienna's housing and urban development policy. The field-trip 2007 led to the cities of Paris and Lyon and their hinterland. moreSustainable Housing - Best Practises Examples (2009): The study is based on the UN-HABITAT Best Practices database. The programmes included were evaluated for aspects of partnership, success, sustainability and regional innovation and for their social integrativeness. moreA Housing Finance Agency for Central-Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (2005-2006): The construction of owner-occupied flats is recovering in most CEE and SEE countries. Yet, the supply of rental flats is still insufficient. The main aim of the study is the presentation of an efficient method to raise the rental housing supply for lower and middle income groups within the region. moreUrban Renewal in Madrid - Questions of urban renewal as integral part of comprehensive urban development policies in Madrid - the example of the Lavapies area (2005): In this paper the importance of city renewal in Madrid, as well as its instruments and effectiveness, are examined using varied literary sources and personal interviews. In addition the specific renewal of the Lavapiés area for illustrative purposes are discussed. moreUNECE Symposium on Social Housing (2004): The housing needs of the socially vulnerable and disadvantaged are a cornerstone of the work of UNECE's Committee on Human Settlements. The Vienna Symposium 2004 offered an opportunity to present new guidelines on social housing developed by UNECE, to discuss them with experts and to enrich the compendium with examples of best practice. moreParis meets Vienna: Urban Development / Urban Regeneration (2004-2006): The cities and regions shape the future of a common Europe. Comparison of cities is practice, however it should be used for productive exchange - instead of as a means of cities' ranking and image competition between cities. Paris and Vienna have entered this process and want to further develop it. morePOSEIDON - Partnership On Socio-Economic and Integrated Development Of Deprived Neighbourhoods (2004-2007): The inter-regional partnership of POSEIDON involves six European partners with the aim to promote mutual strategic reflection on their local neighbourhood management policies, for further developing existing policies and for introducing new ones. more