Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus - A Socio-Spatial Profile of Housing Provision

What role does Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus play among Vienna's districts?

Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus - on the western side of the outer city ring road called "Gürtel" - is ranked 15th among Vienna's districts (based on the surface area). The density of population is more than four times higher than Vienna's average. In late 2007 at total of about 71,000 persons had their main residence in Vienna's 15th municipal district. The population of Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus has been growing continuously for five years. It has increased annually by about 1.5% since 2001.

What are the causes of population growth?

The strong population growth is above all a consequence of the ongoing inflow of individuals and families, although even the number of resident families has increased. The inflow of new residents as well as the expansion of families living in this district for a longer period can mainly be attributed to persons with a migration background. About every second person in the district (47%) belongs to this population group.

Is Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus a "family district"?

Despite the high rate of new inhabitants, including families, one-person households prevail in Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus. Above all the share of male singles of the age group "30 to up to 60 years" in the total of households exceeds the average of Vienna's municipal districts significantly. Within the group of family households, couples without children play a smaller role than in the average of Vienna's municipal districts.

Can the supply of housing keep pace with the population development?

The number of available housing units classified as main residences in Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus grew by almost 1.5% annually in the period between 2001 and 2007. The increase in housing supply is mainly due to activating housing units previously not used as a main residence (also by revitalization and renovation); the creation of new housing (e.g. in the sector of subsidised flats) was of little significance.

How are the housing units structured?

More than half of the housing units used as a main residence in the 15th district are small flats up to 60 m2, housing units with a useful area of more than 90 m2 are, however, available only to a very limited extent in Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus. The small housing units are used above all by one-person households.

Where do singles live?

The highest concentration of younger single households can be found along Gürtel (Stadthalle, Fünfhaus-Westbahnhof, Sechshaus), whereas the one-person households of older persons dominate in the Schmelz area (including also allotment gardens).

Who provides housing?

About 21% of all housing units used as a main residence in Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus are managed by the Vienna Municipality, while an average of one quarter of all housing units used as a main residence are run by "Wiener Wohnen". Housing supply is determined by the private and subsidised rental housing sector. Condominiums play only a minor role in the spectrum of the 15th district.

How do the inhabitants of Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus cope with labour market challenges?

Compared to Vienna's average, the persons of working age in Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus are less integrated into the employment system. This is reflected both in the average number of working days (178 in the 15th district vs. 195 in Vienna as a whole) as well as the median of the gross monthly income from labour market participation. Half of all persons participating in the labor market from Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus earn less than 1,650,- EUR per month (Vienna: 1,885,- EUR).

Where do the "higher income earners" live ...

Job and income opportunities are distributed quite unevenly within the district. Higher incomes from employment and better labour market integration is achieved by the inhabitants of the northern local subdistricts ("Zählbezirke") "Schmelz" and "Stadthalle".

… and where are fewer job and income opportunities?

In the local subdistricts "Kardinal-Rauscher-Platz" and "Reithofferplatz", where the share of persons and families with a migration background is extremely high, the number of working days and the median of the earned income is significantly below the average of the entire district.
  • Project Management
    Synthesis Forschungsgesellschaft
  • Project Team
    Monika Kalmár
    Roland Löffler
    Michaela Prammer-Waldhör
    Karin Städtner
    Paul Timar
    Michael Wagner-Pinter
  • Duration
    May to October 2008
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  • Abstract 15.21 KB
    Project report 303.63 KB german only