Preparations for a Housing Market Monitoring System in the CENTROPE-Region

Findings of the first phase of preparations for a cross-border cooperative project under the new European Territorial Cooperation Programme (Target 3 of the European Cohesion Politics) are briefly summarised in the final report, now presented by SRZ Urban+Regional Research Vienna. The preparatory investigations were aiming at the development of a monitoring system of housing markets in the Centrope-Region.

A draft concept has been developed and presented to potential project partners. Representatives of local and regional authorities have been contacted and first steps of a network are made. Additionally, investigations were carried out in order to get an overview of the general interests in the project and to outline options for submitting the project at the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF).

The proposed project has been met with significant interest among potential partners. Local authority delegates in the Centrope Advisory Board qualified the project as highly important.

The 2nd preparatory phase should be started in January 2007. During this phase the partner consortium should be finalised and the joint submission for funding the project by the ERDF and the partners themselves should be achieved. Continuing the preparatory work now is required in order to submit the project at the earliest possible submission date, which is expected in the middle of 2007. SRZ Urban+Regional Research is prepared to carry out the necessary organisational work in this phase to come.