POSEIDON - Partnership On Socio-Economic and Integrated Development Of Deprived NeighbourhoodsPOSEIDON is the acronym for Partnership On Socio-Economic and Integrated Development Of Deprived Neighbourhoods. The inter-regional partnership of POSEIDON involves six European partners with the aim to promote mutual strategic reflection on their local neighbourhood management policies, for further developing existing policies and for introducing new ones.
The overall goal of POSEIDON is to enhance social cohesion and to improve living conditions as well as the general image of deprived urban neighbourhoods in the partner areas.
POSEIDON pilot projects Pilot projects are defined as projects seeking new ways within their specific areas, in the course of which knowledge acquiring during the learning process is implemented and put to the practical test. Local pilot projects have been under preparation in all partner areas since July 2004.
Vienna - ANKER 10 Vienna - ANKER 10 seeks to live up to the goal of active neighbourhood management in one of the district's major subsidised residential complexes. The residents' opinions and perceptions are considered as expert knowledge about their environment and as a basis for change. The project focuses on an active conflict management approach and on establishing a strong neighbourhood network.
Vienna - WOLKE 7 Vienna - WOLKE 7 support s local urban district management on a run-down shopping street in one of Vienna's inner city districts. Based on existing facilities in the urban area, it is intended to jointly develop a new economic identity even beyond expiry of the project. All kinds of cultural events are to encourage and invite mainly residents, building owners and business people to actively initiate campaigns and interventions themselves .
Genoa - VALLESCRIVIVA Genoa - VALLESCRIVIVA master plan for area management & integrated urban development. The "Master plan for the Valle Scriviva region" pilot projects aims at bringing about the best possible networking between various individual cultural and infrastructural measures within the region, by means of targeted, strategic coordination. The various individual projects of the 6 small municipalities are prepared and implemented via an intensive dialogue between residents and regional authorities.
Amsterdam - activities for the "community school 't KOGGESCHIP" Amsterdam's pilot project intends to develop special leisure time activities f or the new school in the Geuzenveld - Slot ermeer district. The school is a major social centre within the district. The project is embedded in the objectives of the Neighbourhood Web programme. The out-of -school curriculum is developed within an intensive, assisted process of participation among school, parents, residents, district civil servants and local professionals.
Stockholm - Youth Council in RINKEBY city district The pilot aims at achieving capacity building and empowerment among young people by giving them an opportunity to engage with the establishment of a youth council. The aim is to help young people mature and learn to accept responsibility by giving them a chance to make a real contribution to their local community.
Stockholm - Empowerment of young people in SKÄRHOLMEN The pilot project aims at building a youth leisure centre within the larger framework of a leisure time organisation that is based on the empowerment of young people. Just like the Youth Council in Rinkeby, the centre and its activities will be developed by the young people themselves.
Stockholm - Evaluation of the activities of the "Jobbcentrum" in SKÄRHOLMEN city district The project aims at involving participants at the so-called "Jobbcentrum", a job seeking facility in the area, in the evaluation of the activities at the centre. In the process, useful methods for supporting people looking for jobs are being developed further. Evaluation takes place on the basis of an intensive dialogue between the staff and the unemployed receiving support at the centre.
London Haringey - White Hart Lane and H. E.B.E (Haringey Engaging young Black & minority people in Europe The project of London Haringey focuses on the three target areas and uses a White Hart Lane St eering Group. Community consultation is done by the tool of the Master Planning Exercise. They engage residents of deprived neighbour hoods in Seven Sisters and Tottenham Central Ward in an active way for making changes both in the short and long term, working with young people from black and ethnic backgrounds in diverse and transient communities. By the Community Leadership course and through practical experience, the social capital of residents is built up.
North Kent - strategic action plan of the municipality of TWYDALL neighbourhood The project of North Kent aims at preparing a comprehensive action plan for the municipality of Twydall. Based on the residents' requirements and priorities, practical improvement measur es are to be developed in order to improve the residential environment.
Topics of inter-regional cooperation The POSEIDON project supports different types of interregional cooperation activities. They form the basis for joint inter-regional work among the partners involved and each focus on one particular theme.
Policy making Contents, instruments and structural patterns of neighbourhood management policies, exploring different policies around neighbourhoods in each partner area.
Participation Effective communication and consultation of local communities, direct involvement of inhabitants living in deprived urban neighbourhoods, and new ways to involve local people in neighbourhood activities.
Pojects Projects improving the socio-economic situation in deprived neighbourhoods.
Results from POSEIDON The overall output and results of the project can be briefly summarised as:
- A significant improvement of know-how potential with regard to neighbourhood management in the partiipating partner areas
- The elaboration of new and innovative pilot actions, which help the further develop existing neighbourhood management policies or to prepare the launch of new neighbourhood management policy approaches
- The concrete implementation and testing of new and innovative initiatives that help to actually tackle particular issues in deprived neighbourhoods of the POSEIDON partnership
- The exchange of experiences
- Staff exchange between the areas and pilot projects involved
- The production of a "Practical experience guide for neighbourhood management"