Organization of a Focus Event on Community Housing at the Wohnbaufestwochen 2013
At the Wohnbaufestwochen (Housing Festival) of the Administrative Group for Housing, Housing Construction and Urban Renewal from 4 to 22 March 2013 at Architekturzentrum Wien, one afternoon was dedicated to the topic of community housing (15 March). This day was organized and curated by Robert Temel and Raimund Gutmann. Central questions were what types of community housing exist, in what forms they are realized, how far the development already went and what their relevance for the city as a whole is. The event focused on disseminating the principle of community housing in its concrete forms existing in Vienna and on a representation of its situation in Vienna. The spectrum of projects ranges from the integration of groups into „conventional“ housing projects to participatory projects and, finally, building cooperatives.
At the start of the evening, a double lecture on forms of community housing was held by Raimund Gutmann and Robert Temel. After that, a panel discussion on „How do you make it: Community housing“ with (partly future) inhabitants of such projects took place. During the whole event a project fair and an exhibition of realized projects in Vienna was shown.
Groups participating in the projects fair:
L.i.S.A., Pegasus, Seestern, B.R.O.T. Aspern, Jaspern, Que[e]rbau (all Aspern), Gennesaret Liesing, Morgen Wohnen Haberlgasse, frauenwohnprojekt [ro*sa] im Elften, Aktiv wohnen in der Stadt.
Exhibition on the history of community housing in Vienna:
Siedlung Auf der Halde, Wohnen Morgen Hollabrunn, Feßtgasse, Les Palétuviers Tulbingerkogel, Wohnen mit Kindern, Karmelitergasse, Wohnhof Ottakring, Hermanngasse, B.R.O.T. Geblergasse, Sargfabrik, Nobilegasse, Frauen-Werk-Stadt, autofreie Mustersiedlung, Puchsbaumplatz, Interethnische Nachbarschaft, e_3 Berlin, Kraftwerk 1, Max-B Hamburg, Französisches Viertel Tübingen, CoHousing Lebensraum Gänserndorf, Frauenwohnprojekt [ro*sa] KalYpso, and the 6 Aspern projects.
Recent projects shown in the exhibition:
Frauenwohnprojekt [ro*sa] Donaustadt, B.R.O.T. Kalksburg, Grundsteingasse, PPAG Radetzkystraße, Wohnprojekt Wien, Orasteig, Citycom2 – WG-Haus Nordbahnhof- Areal, Wohngruppe für Fortgeschrittene Steinbruchstraße, Wohngruppe „Stiege verbindet“ Gerasdorferstraße, „Young Mums“ im MM11 Mautner-Markhof-Areal, mitbestimmt – Sonnwendviertel solidarisch.
Legal forms and types of property:
Rental projects with developer, home owner’s association, „Heim“ (coop) with or without developer, „insert“ into a conventional housing project, participatory project; initiated by the future inhabitants, by architects or project developers, by institutional developers, by NGOs/social institutions.