PREFAB-Elements in multi-storey new builds
Market analysis and perspectives

The extensive employment of prefabricated elements as part of a strategy of industrialized and serial building offers a big opportunity for social housing in Vienna: Cutting down on construction costs through increases in performance and higher building rates and output.

In relation to construction volumes in Viennas social housing sector of the last 10 years (6,3 Bill.Euros) this translated into
  • 2,5 bill. Euros (40%) worth of prefabrication potential still to be activated
  • 1 bill. Euros (16%) of potential savings that could be reinvested into social housing

Shorter construction times (reduction up to 40%) also make it possible to rent out tenements earlier and to faster refinance the investment.

The new mode of construction will have significant impact on employment in the industry. Still, one can expect, taking into account the specific structure of employees (the majority being foreign), that the domestic labor market will not suffer the full effects.

The highest potential in the area of prefabricated elements will show with materials such as concrete or wood, or composites of the two. Currently, activation might be hindered by low production capacities in the industry.
New modes of construction, building types and standardized industrial products can boost the output in the area of housing, helping the city taking on the big challenges of the future. Prerequisite for success is a close institutionalized cooperation of all stakeholders in the area of social housing, from the financiers and the contractees to the planers, the industry and the construction companies.