Workshop 8: Energy efficiency in housing
Tuesday, 17 November 2009, 14.00-17.30 (followed by cocktail)
Urania, Dachsaal, 1010 Vienna

The workshop theme
About half of the total energy consumption used in industrial countries is consumed by property, by and large, this energy goes to the residential sector. Housing and urban development thus are to a large extent responsible for climate change - or, to put it more positively: Innovative architecture, consequent energetic renewal and intelligent urban design have a remarkable potential to contribute to energy saving and sustainable development. There is, however, also another, social aspect of this topic: In view of ever rising energy prices, energy efficiency is more and more becoming a factor of affordability - and thus a main objective of social housing policy.
A number of recent research projects deals with various aspects of this theme:

  • How can new technologies like passive houses contribute to the reduction of energy consumption of housing estates?
  • How are passive houses performing in terms of cost effectiveness compared to the current low energy standard in Vienna?
  • How to assure comfort of living and affordability in spite of higher construction costs?
  • Which factors contribute to the overall energy performance and environmental impact of housing forms?

In his guest lecture, Brian Cody, professor at the Faculty of Architecture at Graz University of Technology and director of the Institute for Buildings and Energy reflected on energy efficiency in a comprehensive way, considering low energy consumption, optimum indoor climate, and architectural quality as components of equal importance.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

14.00 Opening
Michael Ludwig, Vienna City Councillor for Housing and Regeneration

Wolfgang Förster, City of Vienna, MA 50, Division for Housing Research and international Relations

14.15 Technological innovation, cost-effectiveness and architectural quality
Guest lecture: Form follows energy. Energy efficiency in urban design and architecture
Brian Cody, Institute for Buildings and Energy, Graz University of Technology

Sustainability monitoring of selected passive houses in Vienna
Martin Treberspurg & Roman Smutny, Working Group "Resource-oriented Construction", Institute of Constructive Engineering, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna

Construction and operative costs of large passive house and low-energy estates in comparison
Andreas Oberhuber, FGW - Forschungsgesellschaft für Wohnen, Bauen und Planen, Vienna

16.00 Coffee Break

16.30 Environmental impact, overall efficiency and energy norms
Valuation and simulation methods for re-cycling and environmentally sound building design
Thomas Leitner & Andreas Schiffleitner, KERP Research Elektronik & Umwelt, Vienna

ÖNORM and European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive: Retrospection and prospects on the revision of important energy norms and their implications
Christian Pöhn, City of Vienna, MA 39 - Research Center

17.30 Evening cocktail